Esther Mugambi

Esther Mugambi (Kenya/Australia, 1974) is an Amsterdam-based performance artist. Graduating with an MA in Performance from DAS Theatre, Amsterdam (2010), Her work is about creating communities and establishing real connections in a world where technology has made direct communication difficult. 

At BAU, she explored how we experience the connection between body and mind. Mugambi made an audio recording of all the conversations she had about this with artists and professionals in her network. Subsequently, she presented this while the audience did group exercises within a spatial scenography. Antidote Radio broadcast it live.

Works includes Podcast for Introverts (Come Together #4, Frascati, Amsterdam, 2019 and Kaaistudios, Brussels, 2020); Sore Spot Singing, with Sarah van Lamsweerde (Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam 2019 and Q-02, Brussels, 2020) and the collective project TRACER, about a 1956-59 colonial performance commissioned by the Belgian mining company Union Minière (Wetsi Gallery, Brussels 2023). Her research at BAU began with conversations with her peers about mind and body duality.

Photos Reinout Bos